There are certain things I just can't do. I can't not flush a toilet and I can't not sign a check. I've tried. Mum asks me to write out some checks for her as her hand isn't so steady now. I'll fill out a check --the date, the amount-- thinking "Don't sign, don't sign, don't sign", and then? I sign it. And then I curse. Similarly, I go into the bathroom hearing the shower running and I think "Don't flush, don't flush, don't flush" and then I do what nature requires, and then? I flush. Automatically. And then I hear cursing.
Party philosophy: 10% food, 10% drinks, 15% weather, 5% magic and 60% people. You bring an interesting mix of people together and the rest doesn't matter. What's your party philosophy?
I don't generally like to mess with symbols that are near and dear to people's hearts. That's why, even though I'm not a Christian, I get a little irked when people co-opt the Christian fish symbol. But I am impressed with the variety of riffs out there. I've seen the Darwin version, the Evolve version, the Gefilte version, the Flying Spaghetti Monster version, the Sushi version, and today I saw one filled in with "'N' Chips".
That's a Milwaukee's Best (aka cheapass Miller) beer truck I spotted on the road. I snapped a picture of it because of the slogan, "BREWED FOR A MAN'S TASTE." First, it supposes men have taste, an interesting supposition. (Ooooo, slam!) Second, I spent a good bit of time trying to think how that beer might be brewed. Did it taste of poker tables and cigars? Dick Cheney's hunting rifle? The sweat of the NFL? Pamela Anderson? What?
And...did you notice the truck pictures beer in a can....
Anyone with taste would opt for beer in a bottle before a can - so maybe the Miller slogan was right. Maybe this canned beer was brewed for a man's taste.
I like your party philosophy, and I'm also with you on the symbols. Even as someone who wears a Jesus fish, I'm sometimes a little impressed at the creativity in how people have adopted it as their own.
Time to upgrade your shower controls. They make controls that adjust for changes in pressure and you don't have a change in temperature. Except when they break.
ooh, that's a good party recipe. i'd knock 5% off the weather and put it into "music" though. i'm not even much of a music person, but if it's, like, yanni or death metal all night... all sorts of no.
And when the band, which lived at my house, had to promise to renounce Satan in order for one member's mother to give permission to play in the big city... I gave them a Satan Fish.
And...did you notice the truck pictures beer in a can....
Anyone with taste would opt for beer in a bottle before a can - so maybe the Miller slogan was right. Maybe this canned beer was brewed for a man's taste.
God, I couldn't agree more with the party philosophy.
I like your party philosophy, and I'm also with you on the symbols. Even as someone who wears a Jesus fish, I'm sometimes a little impressed at the creativity in how people have adopted it as their own.
Time to upgrade your shower controls. They make controls that adjust for changes in pressure and you don't have a change in temperature. Except when they break.
Parties are mostly about people. A good mix and nothing else much matters.
Let the men enjoy their cheapass beer. Maybe they ferment it with testosterone!
I wholeheartedly agree with the party philosophy. Bring an eclectic, interesting group together and it will work every time.
And remind me never to take a shower at your house...hmmm...
Pamela Anderson fake boobs! (not that I'd know anyways....)
ooh, that's a good party recipe. i'd knock 5% off the weather and put it into "music" though. i'm not even much of a music person, but if it's, like, yanni or death metal all night... all sorts of no.
I think the beer is a melange of Pamela Anderson & the NFL, with a bit of NASCAR thrown in...
I like your party philosophy. Mine is probably a higher wine percentage - but I completely agree about people making the party.
Your party philosophy was just perfect. Thanks again for an absolutely lovely time!!!
Little Ms Blogger: Bottles. Absolutely.
Rose, Barbara, A: It's also a handy rationalization if my party flops: hey, not my fault!
Liebchen: Glad you're not put off by the snarkiness.
Mike: Huh. What fun is that?
Titania: Great taste! Less filling!
Alice: Who would have thought Carole King would be a bonding moment?
The Bug: And maybe professional wrestling?
Kate Coveny Hood: Oh, plenty of wine. Always.
LiLu: So glad you made it!
Sooooooo guilty.
Dog Fish.
But not on my car.
And when the band, which lived at my house, had to promise to renounce Satan in order for one member's mother to give permission to play in the big city... I gave them a Satan Fish.
I am so going to Hell.
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