20 July 2010

"Sometimes I wish, oft times I wish, that I never never knew..." --Carly Simon

*links arms*

Walk with me. Talk with me. Let's visit the land of hypothetical, hmm?

Let's say you have three friends: Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Assign any genders you like. You count all three of them as friends but you're not tight with any of them.

One night you are out with Huey and Dewey and they start telling you a story about Louie. It's not a complimentary story. They're not saying Louie is a child molester, mind you. It's more like Louie threw a pie at each of them.

You express surprise. You've never even seen Louie with a pie. Maybe Louie ate a piece of cake in front of you, but pie? No. They are adamant that they had to spend hours getting the whipped cream out of their hair and, OMG, the dry cleaning bills!

You ask them what they said to Louie. Turns out they said nothing. They're still hanging out with Louie. Just less. And not within pie throwing distance.

So, now you have this information. What do you do with it?


the dogs' mother said...

I think I'd be careful what I said, or did, around Huey and Dewey from now on.
Or if the pie thing is more alarming that pie I'd be careful around Louie too.

Ibid said...

I'd want to know Louie's side of the story. Huey and Dewey might well have deserved it.

Kate said...

I try to look at the motivation behind them telling you. Was it to save you from similar pie throwing incidents with Louie? Or was it an attempt at changing your allegiance toward Louie? All behavior is purposeful.

The Bug said...

I would go to Louie & ask for some pie :)

suicide_blond said...

i like pie...
its gossip i dont like....

repliderium.com said...

Given that they didn't do anything and they liked starting the old gossip mill, I'd be more apt to hang out with Louie. (They said he wasn't a child molester right?)

The Maiden Metallurgist said...

I'd watch what I said to all three of them, and maybe take this story with a grain of salt.

Cyndy said...

I hate that kind of crap. That sounds exactly like the three actresses I used to travel with. Except that they would sometimes change sides. I couldn't keep track. It was all drama all the time. I tried to stay out of it but even that can be regarded as less than neutral by people like that. But they were a lot of fun in many other ways and I was stuck with them for months on end so I got used to it and followed the grain of salt strategy at all times.

Tania said...

Just carry on as usual. Unless a pie splatters near or on you, it aint your problem.

Mike said...

I'd tell Louie what kind of pie I like.

Pauline said...

I would stay out of it, but be leary about Louie in the future.
Gotta be prepared in case he/she decides to throw one at you!

Felisa said...

Ultimately it will depend on how much I like Louie... But I have figure out motives (both of two for telling me and the motive behind the pie-throwing) before I decide how to go about it... but I definitely will be more wary of Huey and Dewey. I don't like people who can't be upfront.

Lemon Gloria said...

I would also want to hear Louie's side of the story. And I would trust the other two less. In fact, I'd expect that they'd wind up talking about me one of these days.

Bowie Mike said...

My first thought is that I would do nothing. If you hang with the same people often enough, everybody has bad days where they might throw a little pie, and everybody has bad days where they might get hit by a little pie. It only becomes a problem when it's always the same person throwing.

My second thought is that you have to evaluate a complex mathematical formula that includes a factor for how close you are with the people, how often you get hit and how often you throw.

lacochran's evil twin said...

froggy: I have been careful. Thanks.

Ibid, Lemon Gloria: They swore me to secrecy so I wasn't in a position to ask. Maybe that should have been my first clue...

Kate: Excellent questions. I'll never know.

The Bug: I didn't want this kind of pie.

suicide_blond: Succinct and on point. Thanks.

repliderium.com: I've seen Louie but kept my distance because there's always that lingering doubt.

The Maiden Metallurgist: That's been the outcome, regardless of what they intended.

Cyndy: I've always liked salt.

Mac and Cheese: Good advice but hard to implement. You can't unhear things.

Mike: I bet you would.

Pauline: Pretty much my approach, yeah.

Felisa: As someone who is 99% direct, it's challenging to deal with people who aren't. But that's what blogs are for, right?

Bowie Mike: Does it involve Pi?